Lori Baker, Therapist

Lori Baker is a Licensed Professional Counselor and has been working in the behavioral health field since 2010, obtaining her license in 2013. Lori has worked every area of the behavioral health field, including developing and teaching a program in the field for a state college, with a strong background in intense mental health issues in children and adults.

Her focus with her clients lies in helping them understand how to recognize and learn to deal with the issues that are impacting their daily functioning.

Her main areas of focus include, mood disorders, personality disorders, anger and impulsivity, the link and impact of anxiety and depression on communication, relationships, daily functioning and how to get past it. Also, family and parenting issues and behavior difficulties in younger children.  Lori works with children 5 – 12 and adults.

Her therapy is grounded in her training and work in the areas of education, writing and movement as a way to focus on the whole person for a deeper and more holistic approach to moving forward in life.